Ophtha Therapy nr 4/2020
Cena regularna:
towar niedostępny

1. Diagnostics
MicroRNA in the pathogenesis of glaucoma
Review article
Karolina Gasińska , Ewa Kosior-Jarecka , Tomasz Żarnowski
2. Ocular myasthenia – symptoms, diagnostics, treatment
Review article
Emilia Nowowiejska , Radosław Różycki
3. Conservative treatment
The right choice of treatment regimen as the key to successful therapy of wet AMD
Original research study
Agnieszka Lisiak , Wojciech Suda , Jarosław Kocięcki
4. An unusual presentation of corneal intraepithelial neoplasia
Case report
Paula Marticorena-Álvarez , Guadalupe Garrido Ceca , Diego Asensio Celdrán Vivancos
5. Interaction of silicone hydrogel contact lenses with lipids – a chronological review
Review article
Tomasz Suliński , Jacek Pniewski
6. Surgery and laser therapy
Pediatric cataract surgery – indications for surgery, treatment techniques and postoperative procedures
Review article
Marek E. Prost
7. The use of laser therapy in retinal diseases. Part III
Review article
Katarzyna Warzecha , Agnieszka Tronina , Erita Filipek
8. Laser trabeculoplasty and subthreshold transscleral cyclophotocoagulation – the new therapeutic options are modifying therapeutic algorithm in glaucoma
Review article
Jaromir Wasyluk, Ilona Kaczmarek , Radosław Różycki
10. Evaluating the availability of cataract treatment in Poland in light of institutional changes
Original research study
Michał Chrobot , Arnold Maciejewski , Kamila Kocańda , Agnieszka Strzelecka
11. Covid – special report
Strategies to mitigate the risk from COVID-19 in ophthalmology
Review article
Ali Poostchi , Joanna K. Dereń
12. In memoriam
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Ariadna Gierek-Łapińska (1938–2020)
A life devoted to ophthalmology
Koszty dostawy
Cena nie zawiera ewentualnych kosztów płatności
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